We’ve been spending a lot more time outside these days. Especially since spring has finally sprung in Georgia. Sunshine equals more chances to cruise Piedmont Park, stroll through the neighborhood, and visit one of our favorite places in the city the…
Traveling with Baby + Checklist
After a recent post on my Instagram, I received quite a few comments on traveling with a baby. I honestly couldn’t believe the number of direct messages and text messages I received asking for tips. Here’s the thing, I am…
Review: Keenz Wagon
On yesterday I shared our Keenz Wagon S7 with Instagram and being a bit ambitious I committed to posting a review within a few hours of my Instagram post. Let’s say you should not put a time stamp on completing…
2018: What’s Your Focus Word
At the end of each year, I spend a little time reflecting on accomplishments and short-comings, successes and areas for improvement. I also conclude the year with either a vision board or a focus word to carry me through the…
The Community Podcast
Over 24 episodes. It’s quite ambitious for a newbie, but I am thrilled to share this space with women – single, married, entrepreneur, executive, momma, traveler, and everything else in between. I believe something special happens when people connect, it’s…